- Aorta-e
Passionate about improving recruitment

Aorta for Hiring Managers and Executives

Who is the AORTA System for?

Senior Executives

Organisation improvement occurs when Senior Executives take a personal interest in how new employees are recruited and in how well those about to be hired match corporate aspirations.

AORTA provides, indeed requires, usually less than 30 minutes input at the briefing stage from the Senior Executive to whom the Hiring Manager reports. This ensures that the overriding corporate view of recruiting objectives is being taken into account. It also ensures that final interviews are conducted confident that the Key Attributes have been endorsed by Senior Management.

Hiring Managers

When a Hiring Manager needs to hire new people the pressure is generally intense.

With AORTA a Hiring Manager does not have to meet face to face with the recruiter.

AORTA provides a speedy way to make it clear to the recruiter which Attributes are the most important to pursue in Champion Candidates. And the Hiring Manager is not by themselves in providing their wisdom to AORTA; they are supported by their Senior Executive and other subject specialist(s).

An AORTA analysis rarely requires more than 30 minutes to complete. The “Ah, Ha” moments are most satisfying.


Candidates whose credentials have been assessed through the AORTA System have often become clients; even those who were not appointed to the job for which they applied.

Candidate feedback:
  • I didn’t see the ad at first but a friend emailed it to me and I agreed that it was me to a tee.

  • The recruitment system that the company used was so clear and speedy that it impressed on me that the company was going to be a very responsive and employee-oriented organisation to work for.

The Key Question:

How can Hiring Teams easily and speedily pool their wisdom to relay to recruiters the importance of attributes they need in Job Champions?

The Answer:

That’s what AORTA® has done since 1995.

The Key Deliverable:

Job Champions – On Time – Every Time